Study Break’s

You know those people who spend ALL day studying? Who claim they are going to the library at 12am to pull an all-nighter cramming before an exam? ya well I will NEVER be one of those people..I blame it on my A.D.D, and my lack of desire to have my face planted in a book for 6 hours straight

I also blame it on the fact that I can’t sit still..don’t ask me if I want to go see a movie, because I’ll probably say no..I mean I like watching movies, but I prefer watch them at home, that way if I’m not interested, I can get up and do whatever else I want

So this morning, I woke up, ate this for breakfast

1/3 cup oats mixed with a strawberry chobani and 1tbsp chia seeds, put in the fridge overnight and topped with strawberries (I know berry season is over, but they were on sale, 2 for 5$!) fiber one cereal, almond butter, and coconut.

Then as I was reading some blogs, I got the sudden urge to make homemade no-bake protein bars from seeing ones made on this blog!

recipe to come!

Then I managed to get in a couple hours of studying, until it was study break time:)

I made a pot of Tortellini Soup

and prepared dinner for tonight,

I promise I will share all of these recipes soon!

So on days when I have a LOT of work to do, you can  assume that I will be cooking a LOT of different things..strange, but my roommates definitely aren’t complaining

oh and Happy Halloween!..We bought some halloween candy just incase trick-or-treaters come to a college apartment complex to eat for ourselves

I feel like I should bake something that incorporates all of this leftover halloween candy, and immediately give them away so I stop eating the candy

Alright, study break has lasted for an hour and a half..woops.time to get back to it!



2 Comments on “Study Break’s”

  1. Reese’s and almond joys happen to be two of my favorite candies 😉 Feel free to send them my way! Hahah

    I am the same way. A lot to do = me in the kitchen, procrastinating…

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