Recipe: Healthy and Easy Vegetable Frittata

good morning! how was everyone’s long weekend?

this past weekend I watched about 30 episode of The Hills re-runs on MTV

i wish I was exaggerating.

but come on don’t you just hate to love that show? The episode that makes me most angry is the finale when they show you its ALL scripted. I mean obviously I thought their weekend trips to cabo, cancun, vegas, etc were just all planned themselves cause they were all such GREAT friends..

and I never understood the whole Audrina and Ryan Cabrera relationship so I hope that was all scripted

but moral of the story  is that if any reality tv show is interested in filming my life at school and paying for me to go on weekend getaways with my friends just LET ME KNOW..cause i would totes be down

okay that rant is over..moving on to FOOD

I put a few of my trader joes goodies to use and made semi-homemade mac and cheese with peas and chicken sausages

i bought a box of the white cheddar shells from trader joes and then added in spinach and feta chicken sausages(from costco) , frozen peas, and some shredded mozzarella cheese to make it extra cheesy and delicious..i love jazzing up boxes of mac and cheese!

and last night for dinner made trader joes butternut squash ravioli (SO GOOD HELLO FALL I LOVE YOU)

i cooked the ravioli according the package instructions and in a separate pan melted some butter and cooked up baby spinach and frozen peas with a pinch of nutmeg, salt, pepper, and red pepper flake. I added the cooked ravioli to the spinach and peas and voila! Topped off with a little bit of honey goat cheese from trader joes..YUM

I also made this Vegetable Frittata

I’m going to share the recipe with you but its SO easy and SO adaptable so its more of a method than a recipe

Start off by gathering together about 4-5 cups of raw chopped veggies of your liking

I went with 1/2 red onion sliced, 1 clove garlic, 1 red bell pepper, 1 yellow zucchini (how cool right?!), and 1 cup mushrooms

in a medium non-stick skillet heat 1 tbsp of olive oil OR coconut oil

I like to get the onions and garlic cooking first but if your feeling lazy and want to cook all the veggies together go right ahead!

i let the onions and garlic cook for a couple minutes and then added in the zucchini and red peppers

stir consistently for a few minutes and then add in the spices

spice up your life! or your veggies, or a combination of both. in the pan went 1 tbsp red pepper flakes, 1 tbsp italian seasoning, 1 tsp black pepper, 1 tsp salt

mixed all together and then I added in the last two vegetables: the mushrooms and a cooked diced sweet potato

allow this all to cook for a couple more minutes while you prep your eggs

3 whole scrambled eggs + 1 cup liquid egg whites-you could go ahead and use 8 whole eggs instead it was just what i had on hand (note to more eggs!)

pour the egg mixture over the veggies

i added a few baby spinach leaves on top for some added color (totally optional though)

I also added 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese (which i don’t think should be optional BUT its totally up to you)

I would also recommend goat cheese, gouda, feta, cheddar, pepper jack..the list can go on and on!

I placed the whole skillet in the oven at 350 degrees F for about 5 minutes..just until the cheese is melted and the eggs are cooked through

So delicious and so easy! Molly (my roommate who gets spoiled by my cooking 🙂 ) and I had no problem finishing most of this off for lunch on Sunday..And since its so healthy you can eat large portions 🙂

this was one of my 3 servings

and I obviously added sriracha sauce post picture..:)


Easy and Healthy Vegetable Frittata

Servings: 3-4 main servings (or 6-8 if your serving it alongside something else)

Total Time: 20 minutes


  • 1 tbsp olive oil or coconut oil
  • 1 clove minced garlic
  • 4-5 cups chopped raw veggies of your liking (i love zucchini, mushrooms, red peppers, onion)
  • 1 small sweet potato cooked, peeled, and chopped** 
  • 1 tbsp italian seasoning
  • 1 tbsp red pepper flakes
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup liquid egg whites 
  • 1 cup shredded cheese of your choosing (mozzarella, goat cheese, pepper jack, gouda, etc)


  1. preheat the oven to 350 degrees F
  2. in a medium sized non-stick skillet, heat the olive oil or coconut oil
  3. add in the garlic clove + veggies and cook for about 5-7 minutes, stirring frequently
  4. to the pan add the italian seasoning, red pepper flakes, salt, and pepper and stir to combine
  5. add in the cooked sweet potato
  6. in a separate bowl combine the 3 scrambled eggs with 1 cup liquid egg whites
  7. pour the egg mixture over the veggies and sprinkle cheese on top
  8. place the whole pan in the oven for 5 minutes (until cheese is melted and eggs are cooked through). Serve Warm

**note: to cook the sweet potato poke holes in the potato with a fork and place in the microwave for 7 minutes on high

this is also a great make-ahead meal to have on hand for breakfast, lunch, or dinner for the week!


time to go read for marketing and accounting class..YAWN

its a good thing MTV isan’t still playing The Hills episodes

i hope everyone has a great day!


Question for ya!: Did you eat anything delicious over the labor day weekend?

                                             Anyone with me on watching The Hills re-runs?

WIAW-Coconut Vanilla Almond Butter Smoothie

good morning!

happy WIAW! thank’s again to Jenn for hosting!

side note..I leave for school in 5 DAYS. SAY WHATTT

i should probably start packing?



since I came back from Newport  yesterday morning I stopped at my favorite coffee shop Annie D’s to get breakfast and coffee

of course I forgot to snap a picture but I got a delicious ham, egg and cheese on an english muffin..i normally get my beloved carrot raisin muffin but I resisted the temptation

Work Out

took the Duke mister (which would be my golden retriever in case your confused lol)  for another 2.7 mile run around Wellesley College


meet my new obsession.

yes this jar mayyy be $9.99 but it could be the best 10 dollars ever spent..i just can’t get over how good it is!! (my pre-work out fuel this morning was 3 spoonfuls of this..i felt a wee bit nautious but it was worth it)

so instead of just shoveling straight spoonfuls of this..I put it to good use yesterday and came up with a delicious smoothie!

Coconut Vanilla Almond Butter Smoothie

servings: 1


  • 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt
  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • 1/2 cup ice
  • 1 tbsp vanilla almond butter
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp coconut extract (or coconut flour or butter could add in extra coconut flavor!)
  • 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1 drop stevia (optional for added sweetness)
  • 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

Instructions: place all ingredients in a blender and blend!

slurrrrped out of a guinness glass (cause who even likes guinness?! bleh)

topped with some leftover toasted coconut

so good!



we had a few people over from our gym for dinner so we had a nice small barbecue!

i made some of my grilled pineapple guac which was a hit!

my trainer Cheryl (who now reads my blog hi Cheryl! ) brought two delicious salads!

a pasta salad with spinach, tomatoes, olives, and thinly sliced squash

and a delicious arugula salad with watermelon and feta!

my mom and I made chicken kebobs with a homemade peach barbecue sauce

I loaded up my plate with a bit of everything

my mom also made really delicious watermelon sangria that i had a glass of


earlier in the day I cut up a bunch of fresh peaches, plums, and strawberries and drizzled them with agave nectar and about a tbsp of granulated sugar

I let the fruit sit covered in the fridge all day and then we served the fruit salad with some frozen yogurt

best summer dessert ever.

Late Night Snack

a couple handfuls of reduced fat white cheddar cheese its which I failed to take a picture of

not healthy whatsoever but i would have to say that cheese its and gold fish are my two “junkie food” NOT put one of those big boxes of goldfish in front of will be bad news bears

this is why I don’t babysit children because i would probably just eat their goldfish all day long

and just another side note..not that i ever remember to snap a picture of everything i eat every day but I did a really bad job of taking a picture of everything I ate yesterday..woopsies..maybe next time!


i hope everyone has a great day!


Question for ya!: What is your favorite “junkie food” snack?

hands down cheese its and goldfish..this is why I try not to ever buy these at schools! but everything is okay in moderation i think!