WIAW-“Fall”ing into good habits!

good morning!

its finally September (and pumpkin spice is back at starbucks EEK) so time for a new WIAW theme!

this month’s theme is about setting goals to try and establish healthy habits for the month (and hopefully continued on throughout the winter!)

I’m not normally one for setting goals, but in the spirit of WIAW i guess i’ll go ahead and list a few!

  1. not skipping my Friday 9am class (failed at this one last week but I’m going to hold myself accountable from now on..damn you thirsty thursdays lol
  2. Plan work outs for the week and stick to them! I know this summer I neglected my work out log but at school it works best for me to plan ahead for the week so I hold myself accountable! So click here if you want to see my work out’s for the week!
  3. Try new recipes! (the amount of recipes I have bookmarked is insaneee) already doing well at this one! (see below)
  4. try to only eat out once a week..this doesn’t include my bagel a week on the weekends šŸ™‚

I’ll post these same goals every week and keep you updated on how well I’m doing!

now onto yesterday’s eats!


hot oats and coffee are making a come back!

starbucks blonde roast with almond milk and truvia

1/3 cup rolled oats cooked in 2/3 cup almond milk and one sliced banana..topped with maple almond butter and cinnamon sugar grinder from Trader Joes!!

I’m obsessed.


I got busy reading for class and then realized I had about 10 minutes to get dressed, make lunch, eat lunch, and leave for class..

so the fastest thing I could think of was a turkey wrap

in the wrap went turkey, hummus, honey mustard, lettuce, and avocado..all of which I inhaled in approximately 3 minutes but it was tasty!


I always come back at 3:30 on tuesday’s and thursdays starvingĀ because I have class from 12:30-1:45 and then another class from 2:00-3:15

my second class is actually Jazz Dance so its not a bad work out!..and maybe that’s why I come home so hungry!

I had 1/2 cup nonfat cottage cheese with red grapes and some trader joes crackers on the side

after this i also had a small piece of leftover vegetable frittata

Work Out

1 hour of kickboxing that KICKED my booty. (thank you Lindsay..) I actually looked like I had just taken a shower after the class was over..tmi? maybe.


One of my goals is to try new recipes so tonight for dinner I made Eat, live, Run’s spinach and feta turkey burgers

with some roasted veggies on the side and I topped my burger with avocado and sriracha

the burgers were SO delicious..I will definitely be making them again! my mouth was also on fire but I do it to myself with my sriracha addition so its all good

and I also have to mention Jenna’s book White Jacket Required..I pre-ordered it off amazon and read it in 2 days. it is definitely a MUST read and filled with a bunch of delicious recipes!

Night-time Snack:

part one


apple microwaved and topped with cinnamon sugar and maple almond butter. I will be repeating this for the next several nights in a row.

part 2 was a rice cake with peanut butter which I failed to take a picture of..clearly I have a nut butter addition!


time to go to my first class of the day!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!


Question for ya!: Do you normally set goals for yourself? If so, what are some goals you have for the upcoming month?

thursday things

1. So for whatever reason when I’m at school I get on a crazy overnight oat kick, or just oatmeal kick in general..note my past 2 breakfast’s

OOIAJ=overnight oats in a jar

RIP to this jar..definitely my favorite Justin’s almond butter yet..it literally tastes like frosting..i don’t know how else to describe how magical this is

in the mix

  • 1/4 cup oats
  • 1/4 up plain greek yogurt
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 tsp sugar free raspberry preserves

I wish I left more almond butter at the bottom of the jar šŸ˜¦ It was just too good I couldn’t resist eating it by the spoonful

this mornings overnight oat creation

overnight oats are what gets me out of bed in the morning..that along with coffee

in the mix

  • 1/3 cup rolled oats
  • 1/3 cup plain greek yogurt
  • 1/2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 banana
  • 3/4 cup almond milk
  • pinch of cinnamon
  • topped with justin’s maple almond butter..on sale at target for 5 DOLLARS. I should of stalked up.

2. Yesterday’s lunch was a delicious turkey wrap

in the wrap went turkey, plain hummus, avocado, roasted veggies, spinach, and goat cheese..placed in the panini press (literally the best thing to have in your kitchen..especially as a college student!) eaten alongside a few berries and 1/2 a banana

3. I think yesterday was my first time trying Oikos brand flavored greek yogurt

I picked this up at the store with one of my coupons I got in my Swag Bag at HLS. It was really good but I still prefer chobani šŸ™‚

4. Dinner last night came together in about 10 minutes thanks to some meal prep and a delicious marinade!

i cut up chicken tenders into small pieces and marinaded them for about 3 hours. Marinating chicken makes SUCH a difference in the flavor!

i cooked up the chicken in a pan and then removed the chicken and cooked up some veggies in the same pan with the remainder of the marinade

stir fry’s are the best healthy and easy meal..I normally make about a stir fry a week at school

eaten over brown rice (we bought a big pack of the microwaveable brown rice at costco which has 2 servings per container..perfect for Molly and I to share!) and topped with sriracha sauce of course

5. So totally not food related I am SO SORE. I took a Step and Sculpt class at my gym yesterday and it was really really really really hard. like really hard. I don’t think I’ve ever sweat so much in my whole life (yes I exaggerate ALL the time but i promise this time is no exaggeration). I’m hoping to make it to body pump today but I don’t know if my body is up for it! we shall see

6. and also not food related..TGIT..thank god its thursday!

yes I have a 9am class tomorrow and yes I still plan on going out tonight because I’m a junior in college and that is what I like to do

and also.. 3 DAY WEEKEND. let the fun begin!

I hope everyone has a great day!


Question for ya!: Any fun plans for the long weekend?

WIAW-First Day of Classes!

good morning!

happy wednesday!

so summer for me is officially over and I had my first day of classes yesterday!

so here was my day yesterday!

9:00am-wake up and eat breakfast!

in the bowl went about 4oz passionfruit chobani (forgot how much I loved the flavor YUM), half a banana, half a cup of blueberries, and a sprinkle of granola

9:30-11:30-essentially sat on my couch and red blogs this whole time..i have a problem


salad beast!Ā 

in the mix

  • mixed greens
  • roasted veggies
  • turkey
  • tomato
  • avocado
  • cottage cheese
  • balsamic vinagrette

12:30-1:45: Marketing class..sounds like it’s going to be a mix of an interesting class and a tediousĀ one

2:00-3:00-Jazz Dance Class! I’m so excited that i’m able to take a dance class as my creative arts gen-ed requirement!

3:30-Snack time!

i was starvingggg..all of this walking around at school is making me hangrry

6:00pm -Kickboxing Class at the gym (1 hour)..my best friend Lindsay teaches work out classes at the gym and HOLY COW it was hard. I wasn’t expecting her to make the first class so challenging by it was!

7:30pm -Dinner

a version of Mexican Sweet Potato Bowls

I already roasted the sweet potatoes in advance, and I wanted to have dinner ready the second I got back from the gym (cause I knew I’d be starving and when i’m hungry I’m like an impatient 2 year old) so I put all the ingredients I would cook on the stove in the recipe link above in the crock pot on high for 4 hours.

i love my crock pot. it gets a lot of use when I’m at school!

i also ate one too many tortilla chips along with dinner

9:00pm-write this post šŸ™‚ I also ate a piece of dark chocolate and a clementine

11:30pm-BED..while watching teen mom..I take it I’m the only one who watches this show right?


time to go read some blogs then go to class!

I wrote a guest post on Ashley’s blog today so don’t forget to check it out!


Questions for ya!: Do you own a crock pot?Ā 

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Have you ever taken a kickboxing class?Ā 

WIAW-first home cooked meal!

good morning!

happy WIAW!

so I’m finally all moved into my new apartment at school which is pretty exciting! But I should warn you ahead of time that this will not be a traditional WIAW post because i had no idea it was Tuesday yesterday until about..uhh..6pm? so those spoonfuls of almond butter and such were not pictured

but anywho..so my mom and i drove down to Delaware Monday morning

we left my house at 9am

8 HOURS LATER WE ARRIVED. yes it took us 8 hours when it’s suppose to take 5-6.

wanna know why?

our first spot of traffic was by the GW bridge where we were delayed about 45 minutes..then we drove another 35 minutes with no problem until we came to a stand still. cars were literally parked on the highway for an hour due to a terrible accident that involved 2 trucks

kids were playing street hockey..on the new jersey turn pike!! insane

hi mom!

we got out of our car, met some friends, stretched, soaked in some rays..for about an hour until the traffic started moving..quite the adventure to say the least

when we finally got to Delaware we unpacked and then had a MUCH NEEDED glass of wine

a nice glass of pinot gri for me!

we went out to dinner Monday night to Iron Hill Brewery with my roommate molly and her mom

we started with an order of sweet potato fries which went un-pictured because they were inhaled in about 5 seconds

Molly and I decided to spilt an entree and order an appetizer for our meal

we split the red chile shrimp (which was off their 600 calories or less menu which I think is nice that they have!) which came with a corn and a black bean cake with a lime crema..delish!Ā 

we also split the buffalo chicken eggrolls..um not good for you whatsoever but SO BOMB. i love anything that involves buffalo chicken

Tuesday morning we all went to Breakfast at my favorite spot SinclairsĀ 

I got an egg white omelet with mushrooms, spinach, and pepper-jack cheese..hit the spot! they also have free refills on ice coffee..yup its pretty much amazing. so along with my omelet i had 2 glasses of ice coffee

yesterday was a busy day of errands! which included Target, Costco, and the Grocery store! we are fully stalked on groceries now that’s for sure!

for lunch (which didn’t happen until around 3:30 yesterday) I whipped up some chicken salad

i love putting grapes in my chicken salad yum! I had some on top of mixed greens with sirracha hot sauce as my dressingĀ ..obviously. my mouth was on fire but it was so worth it

for our first meal in our new apartment we decided to have a potluck dinner with two of my good friends who live right across the way!

molly set in the table in true college fashion..paper plates and bowls that don’t match and silverware..oh and hi to molly in the background!

Molly made the salad which had scallions, cucumber, and grapes, and a bowl of goat cheese on the side!, i made grilled chicken with a mango avocado salsa, my friend becca made pasta salad, and my friend kristen brought fruit for dessert!

everything was so delicious! except a few pieces of the chicken weren’t cooked all the way cause I’m not use to an electric stove! (oh and I also set off the fire alarm..just welcoming myself to the neighborhood!)


so not a traditional WIAW but I still managed to remember to snap pictures of most of my eats!

it is so crazy being all moved into my new apartment but I LOVE where I’m living this year and I can tell it is going to be a great year!

but I still don’t understand how i’m Ā already a junior in college..college goes by at WARP speed..i’m going to make sure this year goes by slowly..wish me luck on that one!

i hope everyone has a great day!


Questions for ya!: What’s one yummy thing you’ve eaten recently?Ā 

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Are you a fan of potluck dinners?Ā 

HLS Part 2: Crossfit + Sessions!

so let’s see where we left off

if you missed part 1 here it is!

Saturday morning I woke up around 7am (SO early for me I’m such a baby with sleep lol) and drove over to the hotel for breakfast!

the breakfast was sponsored by Wild Harvest and everything was delicious..they had banana nut muffins and fresh fruit

mini yogurt parfaits with pomegrante granola..so good!

COFFEE i loved how the milk and sugar station was set up! they also had stevia as a sweetner option which was pretty exciting!

i had some potato pepper hash, a maple turkey sausage, and a greek inspired egg bake..everything was delicious!

after breakfast were opening announcements and then it was time for a mini Crossfit work out hosted by Reebok!

the crossfit trainers were very attractive which is always a plus šŸ™‚ ..I tried taking a picture without being too sketchy so that’s why the picture is soĀ blurry

me and my new friends Amy and Tracy before the work out!

the trainers taught us the proper way to do a squat and then we did a mini 5 minute AMRAP work out of 7 squats and 15 jumps (AMRAP just means as many reps as possible) ..it was only 5 minutes but it definitely got my heart rate up! and my quads are sore today from all those squats!

Brittany and I after the Crossfit work out!

after the work out we got a mini break and then began sessions!

the first session I went to was hosted by GretchenĀ 

I learned a lot from this session on how to improve my photos! it was such a helpful session for me

I went to 3 other sessions throughout the day that were all really helpful and taught me a lot about blogging!

we broke for lunch around 12 which was a delicious buffet spread!

I loaded up my plate!

a delicious salad with goat cheese!! (they must of known I was coming..:) ), a tomato and avocado salad which was SO good, chicken, and a lentil chili which reminded me of an indian dish I’ve had that was so delicious!

i went back for some more lentils

with a piece of pita bread for dipping

at lunch I got to talk with Courtney and Kelly, both of whom I had been dying to meet! ..they are both awesome down to earth people and I’m so happy I got to meet them

Kelly also gave me a fitfluential tank top which I was SO excited about since I’m a fitfluential ambassador!

i want to wear it every single day

in the afternoon there was a keynote speaker from Wild Harvest who gave us great tips on improving recipes to make them more reader friendly and accessible


overall I took so much more from HLS than I ever could of imagined. I really hope I get to go next year as well because its such an amazing group of women and I left feeling so inspired and motivated to keep bloggingĀ 

One important thing I took away from all the sessions I attended was to embrace the blogging community and to reach out to other bloggers as much as possible..it is such a supportive community and it is not about competition between blogs its about supporting everyone and meeting great friends along the way..or as they call them “blends” aka blogger friends šŸ™‚

I don’t think blogging will be my life long passion although I admire those bloggers who are so passionate about it..but its something that I love to do and has really become a hobby for me

I’m such a people person and i loved finally being able to meet all the bloggers in real life who I felt like I already knew so much about from reading their blogs (sounds really creepy I know, but its so true!)

alright I wanted to take a break from packing to do the last part of my recap but I better get back to it

I still can’t believe i go back to school tomorrow..crazy how fast time goes by

I’ll report back when I’m in Delaware…eeek!


WIAW-Coconut Vanilla Almond Butter Smoothie

good morning!

happy WIAW! thank’s again to Jenn for hosting!

side note..I leave for school in 5 DAYS. SAY WHATTT

i should probably start packing?



since I came back from NewportĀ Ā yesterday morning I stopped at my favorite coffee shop Annie D’s to get breakfast and coffee

of course I forgot to snap a picture but I got a delicious ham, egg and cheese on an english muffin..i normally get my beloved carrot raisin muffin but I resisted the temptation

Work Out

took the Duke mister (which would be my golden retriever in case your confused lol) Ā for another 2.7 mile run around Wellesley College


meet my new obsession.

yes this jar mayyy be $9.99 but it could be the best 10 dollars ever spent..i just can’t get over how good it is!! (my pre-work out fuel this morning was 3 spoonfuls of this..i felt a wee bit nautious but it was worth it)

so instead of just shoveling straight spoonfuls of this..I put it to good use yesterday and came up with a delicious smoothie!

Coconut Vanilla Almond Butter Smoothie

servings: 1


  • 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt
  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • 1/2 cup ice
  • 1 tbsp vanilla almond butter
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp coconut extract (or coconut flour or butter could add in extra coconut flavor!)
  • 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1 drop stevia (optional for added sweetness)
  • 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

Instructions: place all ingredients in a blender and blend!

slurrrrped out of a guinness glass (cause who even likes guinness?! bleh)

topped with some leftover toasted coconut

so good!



we had a few people over from our gym for dinner so we had a nice small barbecue!

i made some of my grilled pineapple guacĀ which was a hit!

my trainer Cheryl (who now reads my blog hi Cheryl! ) brought two delicious salads!

a pasta salad with spinach, tomatoes, olives, and thinly sliced squash

and a delicious arugula salad with watermelon and feta!

my mom and I made chicken kebobs with a homemade peach barbecue sauce

I loaded up my plate with a bit of everything

my mom also made really delicious watermelon sangria that i had a glass of


earlier in the day I cut up a bunch of fresh peaches, plums, and strawberries and drizzled them with agave nectar and about a tbsp of granulated sugar

I let the fruit sit covered in the fridge all day and then we served the fruit salad with some frozen yogurt

best summer dessert ever.

Late Night Snack

a couple handfuls of reduced fat white cheddar cheese its which I failed to take a picture of

not healthy whatsoever but i would have to say that cheese its and gold fish are my two “junkie food” obsessions..do NOT put one of those big boxes of goldfish in front of me..it will be bad news bears

this is why I don’t babysit children because i would probably just eat their goldfish all day long

and just another side note..not that i ever remember to snap a picture of everything i eat every day but I did a really bad job of taking a picture of everything I ate yesterday..woopsies..maybe next time!


i hope everyone has a great day!


Question for ya!: What is your favorite “junkie food” snack?

hands down cheese its and goldfish..this is why I try not to ever buy these at schools! but everything is okay in moderation i think!